Just Various Sites I’ve found…..check em out if your bored or save em for a rainy day These are adult sites I”ve came across in my hunt for stuff. If you have a good one send it .
Web-Help.comMiss Chicky…….my favorite
Interesting sites to seeCMJ Magazine…….all the newest bands…..
A cool page for “Pulp Fiction” fansShareware and freeware galore……
These Guys are Sick…….but funny!!Mary Prankster……my newest fav…..thanks to a friend…
Sick Twisted Jokes & Movies
Awesome Screen Saver to beat all Screensavers.
My friend Wade Ogle’s Band “Delta Spacemen”

2/10/19 BMF and Miss Chicky were just web friends in May of 2000. They spent time over the net learning HTML and learning way too much about file sharing and sharing music. He was going through a lot of personal pain and she was too. In 2000 the web was new to them and it became a way to distract them from their troubles. It was through this connection they became real time friends and one thing led to another. By January 21, 2001 he was calling Miss Chicky “Cool, Sexy and My baby“. He would continue to call her that until his death in their home on April 24, 2016. #57bmf4ever

Sometime between January 5, 2002 and August 26, 2002 he would delete fun links.