The Lovetale of BMF and Miss Chicky

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Trust the Vulva Baby – February 3, 2002

The Lovetale of BMF and Miss Chicky

Trust the Vulva Baby – February 3, 2002

Trust the Vulva Baby – February 3, 2002

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Security Guard Chronicles

  • Speedealer
    These guys rock with an intensity so hard that I would challenge anyone to find a band that could match it. The lead singer barked, screamed, shouted and whispered every song that grabbed your attention and made you take notice. I said in my daily life entry that when I thought of Speedealer that one of the first things I thought of was a gas station uniform, ball cap and a pissed off motherfucker wearing it. I mean that in a very good way. Their drummer was just as intense in the way he hit the skins of the drums. Not just playing hard but hitting them hard. One of the highlights of the show for me was the song that the drummer and the lead singer shared vocals on. Very cool.  I got to talk with the guitar player, Eric before and after their show and have to say he’s one of the nicest guys I’ve met. Thanks for adding to my BMF Signature Collection.

  • Supafuzz
    I had never heard of Supafuzz until last night. They sounded great. The lead singer, David, whom I have to thank for the CD, held my attention from the moment he took the stage. His between song comments kept the mood light even though the music was very hard. My favorite moment the song about, “Satan and Masturbation”. I have to say that of the three bands last night they won me over as my favorite of the night. They have that old school mentality of rock and roll that comes across in each song they played. I hope they come back to Atlanta cause you can bet I’ll be there. They also have a really cool website as well. Check it out.

  • Lennon
    Staying true to my promise that I would not put any bad reviews on this page I have this to say about Lennon. I liked the way the drummer had his kit set up sideways so you could see all the action. The lead singer looked hot.

  • Bitch
    I only caught the last part of their show at 9 Lives Saloon last night but what I heard was way cool. They basically play covers, but not only did how well they played them surprise me but the choice of covers to cover did as well. At one point I heard “Rave On” by Buddy Holly. Honestly, I got to the show late and didn’t even really listen to them at the stage. I was playing pool in the back but what I heard I liked. Next time I’m going to be sure to get there on time. I did get a couple of pictures of them though before I left.

  • Texture
    We went to The Somber Reptile last night planning to see 4 bands. 4 punk bands so they said on their website. When we pulled in the lot we met 2 guys from Texture, and they told us it may just be them playing. Texture consists of Mike on vocals and guitar, Herbie on bass, Todd on drums, and Michael on guitar and vocals as well. They played a variety of music consisting of original material, and some covers you may not expect any band to play anymore. But they put a twist on the covers that made them fun and different. Magic Carpet Ride was one such song that stands out. The band seemed to have a lot of technical difficulties that I’m fairly sure weren’t their fault, but made the best of the small crowd, actually of the few people that showed up. They obviously have fun at what they are doing and it showed thru the night. After the show, I asked the guitar player if each member would do a 30 second solo. They did and while they can all play well, I have to mention that I was impressed as hell with Michael’s solo. He ripped off some extremely crunching fast music. Honestly they aren’t my brand of music but they are good at what they do. As soon as they send me the address of their website I’ll get their link up. In the mean time you can see a few pictures we took of the show.

  • Shiny Mama
    When you first hear Shiny Mama, the vocals stand out a bit from the hard as hell yet groovy music. The band seems like it would be at home in an arena of fist pumping rock heads. This is one of those bands that I have not seen, only heard 3 of their songs (which you can download one here exclusively & 2 more after I get them uploaded.) but a band that I want to see and that I want to hear a lot more of. Their site is under construction but you can read a bit about them by at “CDBABY” by clicking their name above. I’m not even sure where they are from or if they are on tour. I just came across them by way of the mouse and liked what I saw and heard.  The songs they sent me can be downloaded on the download page. Check em’ out.

  • The Breakaways
    These guys played to New Years eve show at the “Nine Lives Saloon” last night. Punk. Old school all the way. And, they can play. They play loud, and hard. Their lead singer impressed me the most with his raw in your face singing style. When the words came out you could feel them hit your face. They reminded me of Black Flag. The singer, ALEX, told me after their set that Black Flag was definatly an influence of his. Alex also told me that they have a 7 INCH DEMO out that i’m gonna try like hell to get my hands on. I’ve bought a lot of CD’s of newer punk bands that give the promise of brutality and intensity that Black Flag once had, but have only be disappointed. The BREAKAWAYS don’t disappoint. When I was in my twenties I was slamming when they didn’t have a name for it yet to a local punk band favorite of mine in Arkansas. I haven’t had a band literally make me want to get up and get into it again like I did when these guys played. They exude an energy that seeps into you as you watch and listen to them.  If you like the type of power that Black Flag and other 80’s LA Punk bands had then do yourself a favor and check these guys out.

  • Gargantuan
    LOUD HEAVY METAL with a singer who has the lines of the legends. And he backs em’ up from what I saw. Playing original material and some old favorites , Gargantuan obviously had a loyal following in the crowd and with reason. Shane, the lead singer, wearing a black cowboy hat, lead the band through a tight set that had the crowd rocking from the moment they started their set. It was hard to take your eyes off Shane, very charismatic and kept the crown laughing between songs with his commentary. You want some hard in your face heavy metal go check these guys out. After the show Shane told me they do have a DEMO on CD. Look for these guys playing live, you’ll be glad you did. Check out their site too.

  • Dick Delicious & The Tasty Testicles
    I was a fan of sorts before I went to the New Years Eve show last night of Dick Delicious. I didn’t know a lot about them except for the few songs I’d downloaded from the net. What I had I liked. They were hilarious and from what I had to listen to, it seemed like they could fucking rock too. I had found one CD at Criminal Records in Little Five Points a few weeks ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect live. These guys are fucking too cool. They have fun with what they do in a way that you rarely see. Extremely talented musicians is an understatement. Their original songs are classics in my book and they way they played a couple of covers last night cracked me up. These guys are fucking awesome. I don’t know what else to say. Jay, on the guitar is a nice guy that took the time to talk to me before the show. Thanks. I was planning to stay till after the show to talk more with the band but had to leave before it was over. I’ll be looking for their next live show, I’ll be at everyone I can make. They have an awesome website as well so check it out too. Thanks to the whole band for letting me take pictures. Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them. GO BUY A DD CD!!!!

  • The Evils
    I’ve seen the Evils play before with Nashville Pussy at the Echo Lounge. Last night at the 9 Lives Saloon their hard style hadn’t changed a bit. Their name, their logo, their style oozes rock and roll. Real rock that grabs you by the throat, holds on tight, and blasts right into your eyeballs. When I think of The Evils, I think of bourbon and coke, Winston’s, and a bike that’s as fast as it is loud. These guys are great and they play great. Go see them every and any chance you get. Check out their cool website too.

  • Nashville Pussy
    This is the motherufuckinrocknrollistsonofabitch rock and roll band I’ve EVER seen. I’ve seen Everyone by the way……if you want real dirty lusty sweaty rock..this is the band to see. Look for us to follow the band in Colorado for a small rock and roll vacation in February. 
    Get a taste of some greasy hot crispy Nashville Pussy Pan Fried Chicken and Coffee here.

  • Impotent Sea Snakes
    I first learned about this band in a overseas porno magazine in a column about rock and roll sleaze. From there I searched mp3’s till I found them and then downloaded from there. From the first time I listened to “Pink Lipstick” (featuring LEMMY from Motorhead) I was hooked. I have never seen the band live but from what my girlfriend tells me daily, I have no idea just how GREAT they actually are. From listening to all three of their albums (including one produced by the Masquerade Club) I can tell you they are a true rock and roll GEM. No other band sounds as soothing and looks as scary. And if Jenna Jameson follows this band with fervor, they rule in my book.

  • The Icarus Line
    Here is a band I knew NOTHING about. Me and my girlfriend went out to this club “THE ECHO LOUNGE” in Atlanta just to be going out to have some booze and some fun. We were listening to the jukebox when we heard feedback and my girlfriend said we should go check it out. Glad we did. Here is why…..they fucking ROCK. Guys in black shirts , red ties. That’s only the beginning of it. Their bass player was on stage tuning his bass with his back turned to the audience. He NEVER turned around the whole show. And he can play bass!. The lead singer looked like a 16 year old Iggy Pop on speed and you couldn’t understand a fucking thing he sang but when he did you not only felt it but you knew he MEANT it. The guitar player played like a mix between Steve Vai and Joe Satriani and had the look of Nikki Sixx when he had just did a huge shot of heroin, and he fucking MADE you know he MEANT it too. The drummer, Jeff, looked like a shorter version of myself, shorter hair and a little uglier than me, but BY GOD when you heard every fucking beat you knew his hands were BLEEDING. No effects on the drums here. just pure POWER and INTENSITY. They MADE us FANS. I bought their CD at the show. I’ll buy every CD they put out from here on out.

  • Marilyn Manson
    Marilyn Manson, what to say. Most of you might want to dismiss this entry. All I can say is I did the same many times in the past. I once had a friend loan me the first CD Manson put out. I listened to two songs and dismissed it. It sucked. A bunch of speed metal goth freaks I thought. Later on in life I bought a tape “Smells Like Children” because it had the song “Rock and Roll Nigger” by Patti Smith on it. From that point on I changed my attitude about Marilyn. I listened to all the songs. Sick, fun, and weird, but they all ROCKED. Then I did what any “fan” would do, I started researching. I went to his website, I bought his book, I bought his newly released music. He was saying something that all rock and roll fan want to say but he was saying it to the masses. A small mass maybe. 90% of his fans are teens. You were once a teen, think of how good it would have felt to have Marilyn as your anti adult idol?…the other 10% of his fans are fans like myself. Fans that know what REAL ROCK AND ROLL is made of. I got the chance to see him in Atlanta at the Tabernacle (an old church of all places). By that time I had read about his legendary live shows, not about the raunch, the blood, the desecration of the bible and more, but about how he FUCKING ROCKED LIVE. Trust me when I say , HE FUCKING MOTHER FUCKING COCK SUCKING PUSSY LICKING ASS SCRUNCHING MOTHER FUCKING ROCK AND ROLLS AS hard if not HARDER than ANY band I’ve ever seen. Barring Nashville Pussy of course. Marilyn Manson is much more than just glam, goth and blood. This guy rocks people. If you don’t believe me, ask me cause I’ll be glad to get in anyone’s face for a long and drawn out discussion, civil or otherwise, about the merits of Marilyn Manson live. GOT VIOLENCE?

  • Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
    Another band we found by accident. Out on the town to have some drinks and hang out. Ended up at the ECHO LOUNGE. There was  a huge buzz about this band from the moment we walked into the bar. Cool name, ok we’ll check it out. Got drunk. Listened and watched them play 3 songs. Bought their cd at the door before we left. Next day. Popped the cd in, and on came “WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ROCK AND ROLL”. This song is one example of a new band writing something that is gonna mean something later on. This song inspired the name of this site. Even though that array of words have been used plenty of times by acts way before BMRC’s time and mine, the way they say it and express it is something special. Check it out. Awesome website too by the way. 

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Revised: February 03, 2002.

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