The Lovetale of BMF and Miss Chicky

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BMF bunny slippers irene Miss Chicky

Miss Chicky … December 19, 2001

The protected content of her diary is some of the most “intimate” that I encountered while conducting research. She offers her readers detailed accounts of legal and illegal drug use, sexual experiences and experiments, molestation, mental illness, relationships gone wrong, relationships gone right, obsessions with rock stars, and many others. At one point, she had a directory of sexually-graphic pictures of herself available only to her readers, but later removed it when she noticed that more people were looking than reading. At the end of a detailed “random facts” list she includes with her biography (including facts like “i never fake orgasms” and “i was in choir during elementary school”) she states, “i have my secrets… most of them are strange things i’ve done or experienced, but i fear leaving myself that vulnerable as to share them with others. i fear their opinion of me. these things i keep to myself and have never graced the pages of any journal i’ve kept over the years.” One wonders what secrets she keeps, which “intimate” details are unavailable to her readers, and why textualizing those secrets will leave her so open to criticism. (hahahahah)

MC» take the quiz and post it here so i can guess who you are… :)~
uhhhhm me» I wanted to be the first this month…lol~

~bunny slippers~

Cool Page version 2.65 Webmaster, Apr 24 2001 for Windows

AWFULLY, AWFULLY… You’re beautiful, you’re marvellous. You’re perfectly sublime. You make my heart go crazy. You’re utterly divine. I find you more adorable with every single glance, and I would fall in love with you if I but had the chance. Your perfect personality is sweet as it can be; you gorgeous little darling, I’m awfully glad you’re me.

Merry Christmas.. :)
Mary Prankster
For Jeff, the baddest motherfucker I know xxx ooo ~mary prankster
baby tomato irene Miss Chicky

:::little Chiquita…my baby tomato::: February 1, 2001

:::Touch Chiquita, she loves you:::

There is a webcam still taking endless clicks.

“Damn baby, you have an amazing body and a wonderful personality. Would you marry me?” “Wow, Irene, I never realised what a freakin babe you were!” “You’re everything I have ever wanted in a woman.” “I love your way with words, your pictures are fantastic, and you are modest, too, which is very rare in women like you these days.” “Rumour has it that you are in fact a bit of a sex goddess. Can you confirm that?” “Oh Chiquita, you are so hot! Who would have thought a nice girl like yourself could be so wicked?” “I love you. You’re the greatest…I want to you to have my baby.” “Irene, you are truly wonderful. I really have to meet you someday.” themessage[8]=”You know, when I get to meet you in person the first thing I am going to do is give you all my money, seeing as you are so cool.” “Will you be my best friend? I know you don’t know me and stuff, but I would be honoured, I really would.” themessage[10]=”Damn, Irene, you get me so hot just looking at you…oh, I can’t believe I just typed that!” themessage[11]=”You look really familiar…are you a supermodel or something?” “Hey, baby, I was wondering…if you’re not doing anything tonight…um, would you wanna see a movie?” “Do you sleep on your stomach, Chiquita? Can I?” “I never thought I could love someone I didn’t know…but you have proved me wrong.” “You’re bad to the bone, b-b-b-b-bad, b-b-b-b-b-bad.” “You are seriously the nicest honeyI have ever known. The way you make me feel is just out of this world.” themessage[17]=”Was your father a terrorist, Irene? Because you da bomb.” themessage[18]=”It’s almost like you control my words, that’s how much power you have over me…” “I really dig you, baby, I dig you with a big spade…I’ll pay if that’s what it takes.”

Irene has entered the building.