The Lovetale of BMF and Miss Chicky

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#57bmf4ever 2002 BMF BMF Wisdom Miss Chicky Nashville Pussy Nashville Pussy Chronicles

BMF Wisdom – Return to Atlanta…had a fucking good time!

February 21, 2002

BMF Wisdom

The last night of the Colorado leg of the NP tour in Aspen was incredible to say the least. I have to say I love it when Blaine talks between songs, and he did it a lot more than usual last night and it was awesome. I wondered before the trip if after a few nights of hearing the same songs over and over could get a little old. I can honestly say that they never got old. Every night was fresh and exciting and the songs rocked increasingly harder every night I heard them. How many bands can you say that about? I can say it about only one….Nashville Pussy. They are the coolest, nicest, hardest rockin’ MF’s I have ever met. I’ll never forget this trip with my baby Paula.

I’d say Miss Chicky covered the last night to a T so I’ll tell about the morning after. The last day. We got up at 6a.m. That sucked. We noticed it was lightly snowing but didn’t think much about it at the time. We took out of there at 7am and by 7:30 it was snowing so fucking hard we could hardly see ahead of us. I have some experience driving in the snow from living in Kansas, but this was like no snow I had ever seen. We had to make it to the airport by noon and at the rate we were going it wasn’t gonna happen. About 2 hours into the drive we noticed a big silver bus with a U-haul behind it being towed up the mountain we were slowly climbing. It was none other than The Reverend’s bus itself trying to get out of there for a show in Lawrence, Kansas tonight.

After about another 30 minutes of driving through almost white outs we stopped for an eye and nerve break in Frisco…a cool little town near Vail. We finally made it to Denver, missing our flight of course, and after 4 different ticket agents fucking our flight back home up we ended up arriving here in Atlanta around 11:00 PM. We rode the Marta to Peachtree Street, walked to the Hard Rock Cafe, had some supper, and then walked home. Here we are back in good old Atlanta. I am sad the trip is over, but glad to be home too. Can’t wait till we get to catch NP again though, and hope that we can do the same again in another state. Thanks for everything guys. And honey, I love you, lets hit the sack.

::: posted by BMF @ 12:45 AM:::

June 4, 2021

Memory from The Nashville Pussy Chronicles. He gave me zero indication at the time that he was less than 100% confident in his snowstorm driving skills. He was way too cool and calm and made me feel safe in a reckless kind of way. I was smitten. #57bmf4ever ~mc