The Lovetale of BMF and Miss Chicky

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#57bmf4ever 2002 Miss Chicky Nashville Pussy Punkarella

:::punkarella…May 30, 2002 Gone pussy hunting…:::

:::punkarella… May 30, 2002, Gone pussy hunting…:::

burning love
the archives, the links, the naked pictures ……….whats/ whos/whys… revealed soon
treat of the day
follow me…
Just more proof of my character flaws:.
kiss my ass?
kiss my ass?

Thursday, May 30, 2002

Gone to Tennessee to see some pussy.
Read all about it in the Chronicles.

Hell will always be inside of me. Or at least as long as I continue to give Satan blowjobs.

comments [1]

mc200229 – BMF Day 2 of 57 – #57bmf4ever

#57bmf4ever 2002 BMF Miss Chicky Music Nashville Pussy Punkarella

:::punkarella:::bmf::: :::Speedealer::: :::Nashville Pussy:::

January 27, 2002 @ Cotton Club, ATL

Live music in Atlanta

Saw Lennon, Supafuzz, and Speedealer at the Cotton Club. The crowd was small and the music was pretty good. {BMF reviews} But I’d have to say the highlight was seeing Nashville Pussy’s name on the guest list and then actually seeing Ruyter Suys and Blaine Cartwright just blending in with the crowd.
We are heading to Colorado in a couple weeks to document our experiences while following Nashville Pussy around for five of their tour dates with the Reverend Horton Heat. The fact they are playing in places like Aspen, Vail, and Steamboat Springs didn’t influence us at all of course. We just want to behave like good pussy groupies. So naturally seeing them at the Cotton Club doing the same thing we were doing was a bonus. Just your everyday nice husband and wife that both happen to play guitar in one of the most kickass bands you will ever see.

Blonde overheard in the parking lot : “Does anyone know where the groupie area is?”

:::posted by punkarella:::@ 12:37 AM:::
:::January 2002 punkarella:::